Advanced Expressions
Match against Values
Match expressions allow to check an expression against multiple possible values:
match fruitcode
with 1 then "Apple"
with 2 then "Apricot"
else "Strange Fruit"
Match expressions can also be used to match against enumerated values:
match state
with NY then "Empire State"
with NJ then "Garden State"
else "Far from home state"
Match against Types
Match expressions can be used to match a value against a class type:.
define constant products = [
Product{ id : "Blender" },
Car{ id : "Batmobile", range: "Infinite" },
Product{ id : "Cup" }
foreach p in products
match p
with let x : Car then "Car (" ++ ++ ") with range " ++ x.range
with let x : Product then "Product (" ++ ++ ")"
else "Not a product"
Should return the array ["Product (Blender)", "Car (Batmobile) with range Infinite", "Product (Cup)"]
Foreach expressions allow to apply an expression on every element in an input array of values and returns a new array:
foreach x in [1.0,-2.0,3.0] return x + 1.0
Foreach expressions can have an optional condition of the values being iterated over:
foreach x in [1.0,-2.0,3.0] where x > 0.0 return x + 1.0
Foreach expressions can iterate over multiple arrays. For example, the following foreach expression returns all Pythagorean triples:
let nums = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0];
foreach x in nums
foreach y in nums
foreach z in nums
where (x^2.0 + y^2.0 = z^2.0)
return {a: x, b: y, c: z}
and should return the array [{a: 3.0, b: 4.0, c: 5.0}, {a: 4.0, b: 3.0, c: 5.0}, {a: 6.0, b: 8.0, c: 10.0}, {a: 8.0, b: 6.0, c: 10.0}]
Template Literals
Template literals are similar to String literals but with the ability to embed Ergo expressions. They are written with between `
and may contains Ergo expressions inside {{%
and %}}
The following Ergo expressions illustrates the use of a template literal to construct a String describing the content of a record.
let law101 = {
name: "Law for developers",
fee: 29.99
`Course "{{% %}}" (Cost: {{% law101.fee %}})`
Should return the string literal "Course \"Law for developers\" (Cost: 29.99)"
One can use template formatting using the Expr as "FORMAT"
Ergo expression. Supported formats are the same as those available in TemplateMark Formatted Variables.
For instance:
let payment = MonetaryAmount{ currencyCode: USD, doubleValue: 1129.99 };
payment as "K0,0.00"
Should return the string literal "$1,129.99"